Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Rantday: Part 2: Let's all get offended.

URGH! I am so tired of people getiing all up their high horse over something that is supposed to be funny.

I follow the hilarious George Takei on Facebook, and today he has posted a quote from the movie Mary Poppins today. "Though we adore men individually, we agree that as a group they are rather stupid."- Mrs. Banks (although the post credits Mary Poppins)

Almost 2,000 comments later, this is no longer a funny throwback to a great movie, instead it is a attackfest about sexism, racism, and how things like this are not funny.

So here is my question.


Why isn't it funny? Why does it always have to get ugly? When did absolutely EVERYONE turn into a bunch of oversensitive whiners?  I mean seriously, I'm all for equal rights, but that doesn't mean I have to stop seeing the humor in life.

Men are stupid. Women are stupid. People, as a whole are stupid. If you don't believe me, just read the comments on anything Mr. Takei shares with his fans.

I really don't understand this whole mentality. Why is there always someone who has to turn a joke into an attack? A song lyric (out of context) into a political statement?

Here's my advice.

Chill the F out. Seriously. For real. Take a chill pill. Stop looking for everything to be about you. I promise, it's not. The majority of things you see and read have absolutely nothing to do with you or anyone you know. Yeah, sometimes these statements are made in hatred. But what better way to disprove them than by laughing at them? Why do we have to continue to support racism, sexism, ect. by giving this crap so much freaking attention?

Laugh it off people. Stop letting it get to you. There is a big difference in standing up for what you believe or doing what is right, and being a giant whiny-pants.  Point in fact: NOBODY like a whiny-pants.  In the same way that nobody likes a tattletale. In fact, I'd say snitches are probably the most hated group of people out there, and do you know what snitches are essentially doing when they go tell? That's right, they're whining. Be cry-baby whiners telling someone why what is happening or being said is wrong or unfair. Whining.

And all you people that just can't take joke, that just HAVE to be offended by everything, are just the same. A big group of whiners.

Get over it.

Learn when it is appropriate to be offended and to take a stance, and when to just recognize that something is funny, have a laugh and get on with your day.

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